
B1:1- Cell Stuctures B1:2- Enzymesq B1:3- Respiration

Cell Structures


Term Definition
Organelle Specialised structures within a cell
Cell Membrane Provides protection as it lets important nutrients in and toxic substances out
Cytoplasm The site of chemical reactions (e.g: anaerobic respiration)
Nucleus Stores the genetic material of the cell and controls cell functions
Vacuole Provides structural support to the cell and stores plant sap (permanent vacuole, plant cells)
Ribosome Where protein synthesis occurs
Mitochondria The site of respiration
Chloroplast Site of photosynthesis
Cell Wall Provides structural strength and support
Light microscope A type of microscope that uses visible light and a series of lenses to enlarge a specimen
Electron microscope A type of microscope that uses electrons to enhance an image
Magnification The amount of times an image is larger than the actual specimen being examined
Resolution The mininum distance between 2 distinct points of a specimen where they can still be seen by the observer as separate entities.

